Jaya Bhatia
2 min readMay 5, 2020

Radha-Krishna:The Immortal Bond of Love

The eternal love story had set a benchmark for the humans taking birth on this earth. This earthly romance anticipated the fine line of difference between loving someone and marrying someone. I used to wonder, is it possible for someone to love with such dignity, to care so deeply even if it results in seperation. How can someone feel to such an extent that they are ready to sacrifice everything even their love at times. “How can one marry one’s own soul?”, said by Krishna to Radha. But how about being one’s soul, whom you marry, at some point in your life. That for me is the idea of “SOULMATES”. The thought of a perfect companion made me wonder how on earth is it possible to have one. The idealistic love tale always thrilled me with the joy of being one and having one of my own. Love with passion is not so deep until you meet that person who endures your feelings of care, emotions and sacrifice. No love story is successful without some sacrifice. It seems to be an unsaid custom of love that brings two imperfectly perfect beings to meet their immortal souls. Having such love in life is a blessing. That enormous feeling of being loved, takes you to a different world where all the negativity, hatred and pessimism is vanished, is a sign of how blessed you are.

Jaya Bhatia

Professionally I am a Company Secretary. For my interest in writing I write blogs, have worked as an editor in newspaper company and about to publish a book.